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Educate, Mentor, Encourage, Equip & Empower Women fulfill God's Plan & Purpose in their lives.

image Reverend Stella Sam-Ekhator (Prophetess Stella as she is popularly known) is a blessed and highly favored woman of God. She has spent majority of her life in the house of the Lord. She is the daughter of two wonderful people of God, Reverend S. E. Nwachukwu and Mother Fidelia N. Nwachukwu. Her Apostolic and Pentecostal background stemmed deeply in the roots of her parents, who spent majority of their lives planting, building churches and serving the Men and Women of God in Africa.

To Rev. Stella Sam-Ekhator the call came early and clearly. Prophetess Stella accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior at the tender age of four and became highly involved in all areas of church life. At the age of 8 she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and it was then the mysteries of God began to unravel about her life and her destiny. Walking in an unusual anointing that God had put on her life, she began to feel even more foreign to the things of the world.

To everyone’s amazement, this special little girl started preaching and teaching Sunday school in her father’s church in Umuahia. Alongside her father, who was truly a pioneer in the resurgent evangelical movement in Eastern Nigeria, she totally immersed herself in the study of the word and continued to grow in grace and understanding of what the Christian calling is all about. Because of the miraculous circumstances surrounding the timing and nature of this child’s ministry, the multitudes of souls that came out to hear her testimony at revival services surrendered their lives of idolatry to confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

Throughout her teenage years, Prophetess Stella remained a proactive disciple at school and in every community, she found herself.

Prophetess Stella believes in unity in the Body of Christ and that preparation in your Holy Calling is very important and vital to God. She believes in the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers according to (Ephesians 4:11).

Prophetess Stella walks and ministers with an apostolic, prophetic, deliverance and presbytery. Prophetess Stella teaches other ministers in reference to ministry equipping and what it means to be a (SENT ONE). This woman of God operates and walks in the prophetic and a strong deliverance ministry. She stands for Holiness and the Truth of the Gospel being preached in simplicity and Love that the captives will be set free. Prophetess Stella visits by Divine assignment many churches and ministries, nationally and soon internationally preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

While pursuing her baccalaureate and post-graduate programs of study in the Universities in Nigeria and University of Benin, she continued to be a strong voice in organizing and leading the campus-wide evangelistic crusades. At these events, thousands of people came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Prophetess Stella maintained complete obedience to the command of Christ (Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, into the world and preach the gospel and teach (disciple) all nations.” To Prophetess Stella, this command has continued to remain the bedrock of her missionary zeal, focus, and priority. In fact, the very essence of her missionary vision has been, to fearlessly proclaim the gospel to the entire world, especially the African Continent.

During this youthful time of service, it was again prophesied to Prophetess Stella that the Lord was going to bless her with husband whom would also carry the anointed mantle of a preacher. In the year of our Lord 1992 the Lord bless her to meet the man of God, Rev. Samuel Ekhator, that she has now been married to for 26 wonderful and mighty years. Following her marriage to Rev. Samuel Ekhator, who is based in the United States of America, Prophetess Stella moved to United States to join her husband and to begin the second phase of her ministry. She has four children – Miracle, Emmanuel, DePaul and Sarah Favor. Now combing the role of wife, motherhood and corporate career as Certified Project Manager/Computer Programmer/Analyst with her ministerial calling, Prophetess Stella has settled down in America where she continues to experience the hand of God directing each initiative of her work with church leaders, pastors, women and individuals.

Here in United States, Prophetess Stella is the Visionary and President emeritus of the African Ministers’ Charter, Inc. USA. God birth this vision in her through prophetic message she received. She is a powerful woman of God that God uses mightily to inspire His people all over the world. For many years, Prophetess Stella has fearlessly proclaimed the gospel in African and to the entire world with an authority that grips the heart of those who hear her as she conveys the message of the unsurpassed love of God and the power of God to save, heal and deliver. She is a powerful, intercessory prayer warrior with a prophetic anointing that remove burdens and break yolks.

In collaboration with other church leaders, Prophetess Stella’ s vision is to form a common front against the enemy of apathy, indolence and indifference among God’s children in Diaspora and those still at home on the African soil until a common bond in Christ is established.

Prophetess Stella involvement in her local church is very extensive, she leads bible studies, conducts the Praise & Worship services; she is currently the President of Destiny Women International, plans and works with the General board of church planning and Chief Financial Officer of Local Church Affairs. She is the Visionary of the African Ministers Charter, Inc.

Prophetess Stella’s secular career is very extensive in the area of Information Technology, Project Management and Computer Programming.

She received her bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and her master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Benin. She is a Certified Oracle Database Administrator, and Certified Project Management Professional.

In 1993 she attended Bible School and received her Ordination, from Holy Spirit Mission, Nigeria.

In 1997 she was licensed by the United Christian Church & Ministerial Association, Tennessee, United States of America.